Lago Deseado en Tierra del Fuego

Lago Deseado in Tierra del Fuego We will locate orselves in a Lodge located on the shores of the Deseado Lake, on the southern side of the great Island of Tierra del Fuego. Surrounded in silence and beauty that very few places on earth can offer, it delivers a perfect atmosphere for resting and enjoy. […]

Observación de aves en Tierra del Fuego

Birding in Tierra del Fuego This tour starts from your hotel in Punta Arenas leaving at 06 am in the morning driving towards Primera Angostura to take the ferry and cross the Strait of Magellan in the narrowest trech of sea waters to get to Tierra del Fuego.  Bahía Lomas the birds sanctuary is one

Puma safari

Puma safari  Torres del Paine has become one of the most beautiful sceneries to photograph pumas as there is a very important density rate increasing giving the best chances to photograph and watch these wonderful species completeley in the wilderness with no human intervention.   Come and join us in this new adventure that need you

Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers

Glaciares Balmaceda y Serrano Este es un tour de día completo. Salida desde Puerto Natales para un corto trayecto hasta llegar al muelle, desde donde sale el catamarán, un gran paisaje, una colonia de cormoranes, montañas, el fiordo Última Esperanza, el cerro Balmaceda y el glaciar dBalmaceda.  Avanzamos hacia un segundo glaciar aún más ...

Base Torres 

Base de las Torres Para los amantes de la naturaleza, en forma con toda la energía para subir por esos senderos hasta ver el lugar donde se elevan los tres picos graníticos que dan nombre al Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, es el recorrido al que tienes que apuntarte. Va más allá de sus expectativas ya que las vistas ...

W Tour Torres del Paine

Experiencia Trekking 5 días/4 noches Circuito W Torres de Paine Desde Punta Arenas o Puerto Natales podemos hacer todas las gestiones para ser parte de esta gran experiencia de senderismo por los senderos conocidos como el Circuito W con excelentes vistas del Valle Francés, la Base de las Torres, el Glaciar Grey, cruzar ...

Parque Nacional Torres del Paine

Parque Nacional Torres del Paine Excursión de día completo a uno de los Parques Nacionales más visitados de Chile. Una vez en Puerto Natales, puede ir por el día o tal vez para pasar una noche o incluso una estadía más larga en cualquiera de los excelentes hoteles allí. Somos flexibles a la hora de hacer las salidas ...

Walking Tour en Punta Arenas

Recorrido a pie en Punta Arenas Visitaremos El recorrido dura alrededor de 2.5 / 3 horas Tenemos salidas diarias por la mañana a las 9 am y nuevamente a las 3 de la tarde

Reserva de Magallanes

Magallanes Reserve The tour starts from your hotel where your driver and guide will meet you at the front desk. A 30 minutes drive to get to the Magallanes Reserve, a brief introduction to the Reserve rules by the park rangers and we are ready to start this 3 loop like trails among the deciduos

Fuerte Bulnes HD tour (4 hours)

Fuerte Bulnes HD tour (4 hours) The most iconic settlement stablished in the southern most tip of the American continent 300 years after the conquest of Chile in 1536. For a century this coastline and this dramatic fortress have been all a challenge for writers and history lovers .Situated in a breathtaking cliff called Santa

Fotografía, paisajismo y observación de aves en Río Verde

Río Verde photography, landscaping and birding One of the favourite places to go and see if you have just one day in Punta Arenas, or perhaps to add it to your drive to Puerto Natales is Rio Verde known to be the gaucho’s comune in Patagonia. The favorite places to go birding all a great

Isla Magdalena y la colonia de Pingüinos Magallanicos

Magdalena Island and the Magellanic Penguins colony While we’re on the boat We will transfer for a check-in and then to Laredo, where the boat trip will take about 30 minutes. We will take the speedboat to Magdalena Island where the largest colony of penguins in Chilean Patagonia is located. It will take us an

Reserva Pingüino Rey en Tierra del Fuego

King Penguins Reserve in Tierra del Fuego The beautiful, ancient and strange island of Tierra del Fuego, in a past storied with shipwrecks, natives and failed missions. In Tierra del Fuego, the scenery is outstanding, from the scoured plains, rusted peat bogs and mossy lenga forests to the snowy ranges above the Beagle Channel. The

Whales Watching

Full day Whale Watching in Carlos III Reserve For sure this place might be considered one of the most remote and pristine places on the planet. Here we go on a full day trip to enjoy nature, beautiful sceneries and wildlife where sea lions, petrels, cormorants, southern dolphins, will be an easy target to photograph. A whale

Kayak en el estrecho de Magallanes

Kayaking in the strait of Magellan Pick up from your hotel or cruiseship and we drive South towards Agua Fresca. Once here, we will be surrounded by nature and amazing views of the Strait of Magellan.  Time to meet our expert guides the ones who will introduce you to differet technics used in these sea

Lo más destacado de Punta Arenas

Highlights of Punta Arenas This tour is a great introduction to the local history of the area. Places to be visited: –          Main Square. –          The cross hill lookout for a panoramic view. –          National Monument Cemetery of Punta Arenas –     

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